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Six Day War

The Arab neighbours of Israel refused to accept a Jewish sovereignty in the Middle East. This is a partial reason for the on-going animosity between Arab and Israel. The takeover of the Suez Canal in 1956 by Gamal Nasser and obstruction of the Straits of Tiran by Egypt to Israeli shipping was a crucial factor in the Suez Crisis. In response, The United Nations Emergency Forces (UNEF) was established in Sinai Peninsula and armistice agreements were signed. Israel began working on the National Water Carrier Project and Syria started with the Arab plan to destroy Israel’s project which was followed by an attack on the water pump at Kibbutz Misgav Am. On April 7, 1976 Israel attacked the Syrian airfare in retaliation to the rigorous attacks on Israeli DMZ. Later, Iraq joined a military alliance with Syria, Egypt and Jordan. In May 1976 Egypt decided to expel UNEF and blocked the Israel’s port of Eliat and closed the channel of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping, violating the armistice agreements and mobilized thousands of its troops around Suez Canal. The threats of destruction of Israel by Arab leaders and the blockade of the Israel’s port by Egypt were seen as an act of war by Israel. Following this Israel instigated what it called a preventative attack, on Egyptian army and airfare on 5th June 1967. Israel destroyed Egyptian airforce. It promised Jordon of no attack if it stays out of the war but Jordan attacked and Israel strived to destroy Jordanian air force. Syria also attacked Israel by air and in response Israel attacked Syrian air bases. The Security Council assembles on 7th June, 1967. The events that lead to the war must be investigated. The issues of bringing peace in the Middle East by negotiating a peace treaty, liberating countries from threats and acts of force, achieving secure and recognized boundaries, building respect for political independence and territorial integrity of all the Middle East countries and fostering a sense of liability in following the armistice agreement must be examined by the committee.
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