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About Munsophical 


Out in the real world, there are wars happening. There are humans who are being violated against their will. There is unclaimed land which is being fought for. Out in the real world, weapons are lifted to fight for peace.
We bring to you the third edition of Munsophical; a congregation, which aims to deliberate and facilitate interaction between students across borders. Munsophical, time and again, has provided students with a platform to examine the real world issues that plague the world at large and articulate solutions that fumigate the same at the grass root level.
In the past two years, we have had the Mayor of Hague, Dr. Binayak Sen, Shobhna Kumar and Rahul Bose speak with the students about various concerns ranging from the international fiscal deficit and economic depression to the acceptance and legalisation of homosexuality.
More importantly, it is the student in the inputs from the students which have enriched the conference. In both years, all committees have managed to draft out resolutions for their respective councils. In the previous year, councils were even required to manage a crisis, and that was profitably done so. In both years, we have noticed some new MUNners opening up to a plethora of possibilities and others gaining more experience.
With the introduction of new councils, we hope to stretch our canvas and look deeply at the existential crisis being faced by the society. Therefore, this year, we would like to take forward that which was revelled and improvise on that which was criticised. We aim to discuss more, think more and therefore be more.
Because out in the real world, people are suffering.
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